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Author Topic: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?  (Read 22221 times)

C. Shawn Smith

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Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« on: March 08, 2012, 04:44:13 am »

Just ran across this gem of an alpha release the other night, and I can't get enough of it.  I'm VERY good at orbits, but when it comes to a Mun landing, I fail as bad as a fat kid in a 1 mile race (and I was that fat kid, so don't get offended :P).

It's actually quite a clever piece of software, and very addictive.  Would like to see some of it in Outerra, eventually :) (*hint hint Cameni and AngryPig ... orbital mechanics FTW!)
What we think, we become -- Buddha
There is no spoon -- Neo, The Matrix
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- Yes, I'm still around ... just been busy with other projects ;)


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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 05:08:43 am »

Just ran across this gem of an alpha release the other night, and I can't get enough of it.  I'm VERY good at orbits, but when it comes to a Mun landing, I fail as bad as a fat kid in a 1 mile race (and I was that fat kid, so don't get offended :P).

It's actually quite a clever piece of software, and very addictive.  Would like to see some of it in Outerra, eventually :) (*hint hint Cameni and AngryPig ... orbital mechanics FTW!)

I had a long time ago an Space-Solar system documentary CD, there was some sort of moon landing sim. too, and I crashed ewerytime .... just one. Still, the probe´s landing gear was a mess. There is an exact thrust/height graph (log. function actually), starting from min. thrust and getting slowly to near-full at 3-1 m height. Just like you would land a heli using just the throttle. Only that you need to hawe such intensity-based controller, or a damn good finger for the keyboard controll. : P ... well, beeing at this point, i recall an USSR propeller landing craft project. Was as an alternative to the parashutes of the soyuz landing capsule and it had ewen an real-life trial, but newer saw that thing in photo or tech. documentation demonstration. Would be an great thing to implement in the Orbiter project Cameni helps whyte. Im sure the russian aerospace agency has it as a free thing to get info about. Not actually to fly, just to make it possible to controll the exact landing spot.
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.

C. Shawn Smith

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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 05:20:14 am »

Same thing with KSP ... it's still so early in the alpha state that it's almost unplayable sometimes (not to mention the bugs).  I created a rocket recently that was extremely stable and could get me from Kerbal to the Mun (the KSP equivalent of Earth/Moon) and back again, but upon loading it, it would almost immediately fall apart.  Reload, and it worked almost flawlessly.

Here's one of my first attempts at a Mun landing.  There are 3 more Kerbonauts on the far side of the Mun, awaiting rescue as well.

What we think, we become -- Buddha
There is no spoon -- Neo, The Matrix
The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Carl Sagan
Outerra is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Me :)
- Yes, I'm still around ... just been busy with other projects ;)


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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 01:05:05 pm »

KSP is very addicting:D One thing you should all try is to create the longest possible rockets with fixed wings on the back, and steering wings at the front. You then get a funny looking wiggly rocket that'll eventually break :D

C. Shawn Smith

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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2012, 11:29:21 pm »

Remixed version, with better audio commentary  ;D
What we think, we become -- Buddha
There is no spoon -- Neo, The Matrix
The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Carl Sagan
Outerra is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Me :)
- Yes, I'm still around ... just been busy with other projects ;)


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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 06:23:25 am »

KSP is very addicting:D One thing you should all try is to create the longest possible rockets with fixed wings on the back, and steering wings at the front. You then get a funny looking wiggly rocket that'll eventually break :D

Or the small one, but whyte four additional blasters to the sides in an 45 degree to the ground facing, witch would stabilize you in the sideways directions before putting your rocket slowly to ground ... but it might not work as i saw that there is a lack of grip whyte the ground after landing (you hawe been mowing sideways like on ice, that seem to trigger the landing-gear to break after some travelled distance )
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 03:46:07 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 03:33:03 am »

Hi from Space ;-),

there is a truly well made space flight simulator called Orbiter: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ . It is closed source, but you can add spacecraft models and such. It also has a quite large community. I played around with it alot a few years ago and it is truly great! Just one thing: It simulates spaceflight as realistically as it comes. Therefore it will be of great help, if not a requirement, if you know a thing or two about orbit dynamics. You can fly to the Moon and Mars, whatever you like. But the transfer to Mars will take the usual 8 months (you accelerate the simulation, though) and you just missed the launch window a few weeks ago...

In principle, JSBSim could do the same (if anyone from JSBSim is here: Hint, hint...). It might need to be pimped with more complex gravity models including Moon, Sun, Jupiter, etc.

Which brings me to another idea: There are terrain models plus imagery of the Moon and Mars - how about extending Outerra beyond "Terra"? The Moon should be simple - no atmosphere ;-).

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke


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Re: Anyone Playing Kerbal Space Program?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 07:04:58 am »

Which brings me to another idea: There are terrain models plus imagery of the Moon and Mars - how about extending Outerra beyond "Terra"? The Moon should be simple - no atmosphere ;-).

Dont worry, will be ... just need a little great piece of steel-nerves to wait for it! :D There is some things to be done by Cameni and co. to focus on moon ... and im pretty sure, we two are not the only ones waiting for the moon on the Outerra sky. :D
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.