... i just got a little thought, as there will be caves and for antenworld there will be a mining-system needed, it would be interesting to simulate raw resources. Making a set of nice textures of several resources (coal, ferites, antracites etc.), wich would be possible to mine. As for my idea, if textures made very nicely, i would like to have some kind of information-captions existing. Just looking at the right texture from a limited distance, pressing the caption-key and it would show the type of it ( Magnetit --- (Fe2+/Fe3+)2O4 ) where the rough chemical composition would be nice to have with it. It could be an overall OT function showing such captions for objects and other stuff, maybe even a little funny or sarcastic ones by special, or random objects (looking at dirt - "dirt, dirt, dirt and some more dirt. VERY interesting to look upon." and such

). Maybe even a series depending on how often you look at a the same object. Some interesting info about some mined minerals/resources whyte photos :
http://www.fns.uniba.sk/index.php?id=4121 ... Would be even more interesting and informative to go mine some Antimonit than just saying stibium, sulfur, iron, and so on, whyle getting the people and community get some chem. composition feeling of reality.