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Author Topic: Graphic Options, Controls, Automatic Day Cycle, Slew and Simulation Rate, Views  (Read 16539 times)


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Hi Guys,

A few specific changes/ideas are as follows:
having simple and advanced graphic tuning features based on low, mid, and high end graphics cards.
This will include
- graphic adjustments
- scenery adjustments (i.e adding/removing objects for performance and visuals)
- Other traffic such as moving vehicles along roads, water, and Aircraft in the skies following schedules to other airports assuming the airports exist :-)
Vehicle selection before loading the sim along with selection of location, time of day, season, etc...

2) CONTROLLERS - Some important customizable key commands for flight simulation to keep in mind. An Item not in the default list is Reverse thrust for Airliners. Refer to Microsoft Flight Simulator X using FSUIPC module which adds inputs for any function with any controller. I am happy to elaborate more if needed. At the moment in the alpha, there is only one axis available for my precision flight controls flight yoke for elevators, no axis for aileron.

Pause:   P or BREAK
Full Screen Mode:   ALT + ENTER
Menus (display/hide):   ALT
ATC Menu (display/hide):   ACCENT or SCROLL LOCK
Kneeboard (display/hide):   SHIFT+F10
Sound (on/off):   Q
Reset Current Flight:   CTRL+; (SEMICOLON)
Save Flight:   ; (SEMICOLON)
Exit Flight Simulator:   CTRL+C
Exit Flight Simulator Immediately:   CTRL+BREAK
Joystick (on/off):   CTRL+K
Cycle Coordinates/Frame Rate:   SHIFT+Z
Select Item 1:   1
Select Item 2:   2
Select Item 3:   3
Select Item 4:   4
Select Time Compression:   R
Drop Objects:   SHIFT+D
Fuel Truck (request):   SHIFT+F
Aircraft Labels (display/hide):   CTRL+SHIFT+L
Flying Tips (display/hide):   CTRL+SHIFT+X
Increase Selection:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Increase Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Decrease Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+- (MINUS SIGN)
Decrease Selection:   - (MINUS SIGN)
Capture Screenshot:   V
Jetway (attach/detach):   CTRL+J
End Flight:   ESC

Ailerons (bank left):   Num Pad 4
Ailerons (bank right):   Num Pad 6
Aileron Trim (left):   CTRL+Num Pad 4
Aileron Trim (right):   CTRL+Num Pad 6
Rudder (yaw left):   Num Pad 0
Rudder (yaw right):   Num Pad ENTER
Rudder Trim (left):   CTRL+ Num Pad 0
Rudder Trim (right):   CTRL+Num Pad ENTER
Center Ailerons and Rudder:   Num Pad 5
Pitch Down (elevator):   Num Pad 8
Pitch Up (elevator):   Num Pad 2
Elevator Trim Down:   Num Pad 7
Elevator Trim Up:   Num Pad 1
Flaps (retract fully):   F5
Flaps (retract incrementally):   F6
Flaps (extend incrementally):   F7
Flaps (extend fully):   F8
Extend/Retract Spoilers/Airbrakes:   / (FORWARD SLASH)
Arm Spoilers:   SHIFT+/ (FORWARD SLASH)
Water Rudder Up/Down:   CTRL+W

Select Engine:   E+engine number (1-4)
Select All Engines:   E+1+2+3+4
Engine AutoStart:   CTRL+E
Throttle (cut):   F1
Reverse Thrust (turboprops/jets):   F2 (press and hold)
Throttle (decrease):   F2 or Num Pad 3
Throttle (increase):   F3 or Num Pad 9
Throttle (full):   F4
Propeller (low RPM):   CTRL+F1
Propeller (decrease RPM):   CTRL+F2
Propeller (increase RPM):   CTRL+F3
Propeller (high RPM):   CTRL+F4
Mixture (idle cutoff):   CTRL+SHIFT+F1
Mixture (lean quickly):   CTRL+SHIFT+F2
Mixture (enrich):   CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Mixture (full rich):   CTRL+SHIFT+F4
Carb Heat/Engine Anti-ice (on/off):   H
Magnetos (Select):   M
Master Battery/Alternator (Select):   SHIFT+M
Jet Starter (Select):   J
Helicopter Rotor Clutch (on/off):   SHIFT+. (PERIOD)
Helicopter Rotor Governor (on/off):   SHIFT+, (COMMA)
Helicopter Rotor Brake (on/off):   SHIFT+B
Increase Selection:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Increase Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Decrease Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+- (MINUS SIGN)
Decrease Selection:   - (MINUS SIGN)

Brake (set parking):   CTRL+. (PERIOD)
Pushback (Start/stop):   SHIFT+P (then press 1 or 2 to turn tail right/left)
Brakes (apply/release):   . (PERIOD)
Brakes (apply left brake):   Num Pad + (PLUS)
Brakes (apply right brake):   Num Pad - (MINUS)
Landing Gear (extend/retract):   G
Tail wheel (lock/unlock)   
Landing Gear (extend manually):   CTRL+G
Fuel Dump (on/off):   CTRL+SHIFT+D
Subpanels (display/hide):   SHIFT + 1 through 9
Smoke System (on/off):   I
Cowl Flaps (open incrementally):   CTRL+SHIFT+V
Cowl Flaps (close incrementally):   CTRL+SHIFT+C
Tow Plane (call):   CTRL+SHIFT+Y
Tow Rope (release):   SHIFT+Y
Doors (Select) :   SHIFT+E

Lights - all (on/off):   L
Strobe Lights (on/off):   O
Panel Lights (on/off):   SHIFT+L
Landing Lights (on/off):   CTRL+L
Landing Light (tilt down):   CTRL+SHIFT+Num Pad 2
Landing Light (tilt left):   CTRL+SHIFT+Num Pad 4
Landing Light (tilt right):   CTRL+SHIFT+Num Pad 6
Landing Light (tilt up):   CTRL+SHIFT+Num Pad 8
Landing Light (center):   CTRL+SHIFT+Num Pad 5

ATC Window (display/hide):   ` ACCENT or SCROLL LOCK
VOR 1 Ident (on/off):   CTRL+1
VOR 2 Ident (on/off):   CTRL+2
MKR Ident (on/off):   CTRL+3
DME Ident (on/off):   CTRL+4
ADF Ident (on/off):   CTRL+5
Standby Frequency (swap):   X
COM Radio (Select):   C
NAV Radio (Select):   N
OBS indicator (Select):   SHIFT+V
ADF (Select):   CTRL+SHIFT+A
DME (Select)   
Transponder (Select):   T
Increase Selection:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Increase Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Decrease Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+- (MINUS SIGN)
Decrease Selection:   - (MINUS SIGN)

Master (on/off):   Z
Flight Director (on/off):   CTRL+F
Wing Leveler (on/off):   CTRL+V
Yaw Damper (on/off):   CTRL+D
Altitude Hold (on/off):   CTRL+ Z
Altitude Bug (Select):   CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Heading Hold (on/off):   CTRL+H
Heading Bug (Select):   CTRL+SHIFT+H
Airspeed Hold (on/off):   CTRL+R
Mach Hold (on/off):   CTRL+M
Autothrottle (arm):   SHIFT+R
Autothrottle engage (TOGA):   CTRL+SHIFT+G
Nav 1 Hold (on/off):   CTRL+N
Approach Mode (on/off):   CTRL+A
Back Course Mode (on/off):   CTRL+B
Localizer Hold (on/off):   CTRL+O
Attitude Hold (on/off):   CTRL+T
Increase Selection:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Increase Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Decrease Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+- (MINUS SIGN)
Decrease Selection:   - (MINUS SIGN)

Heading Indicator (reset):   D
Altimeter (reset):   B
Pitot Heat (on/off):   SHIFT+H
Increase Selection:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Increase Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Decrease Selection Slightly:   SHIFT+- (MINUS SIGN)
Decrease Selection:   - (MINUS SIGN)

2-D Cockpit (cycle panels):   W
Snap to Panel View:   SHIFT+Num Pad 0
View (next category):   S
View (previous category):   SHIFT+S
View (next view in category):   A
View (previous view in category):   SHIFT+A
View (previous view toggle):   CTRL+S
View (default zoom):   BACKSPACE
Look (snap):   Num Pad
Look (pan):   Hat switch or thumbstick
Look (reset to forward view):   SHIFT+Num Pad DEL
Look Using Mouse (on):   Hold SPACEBAR
Look Using Mouse (on/off):   SHIFT+O
View (open new window):   [ (LEFT BRACKET)
View (close Selected window):   ] (RIGHT BRACKET)
View (open new top-down window):   SHIFT+] (RIGHT BRACKET)
Virtual Cockpit:   F9
2-D Cockpit:   F10
Locked Spot View:   F11
Top-Down View:   F12
2-D Panel Transparency:   CTRL+SHIFT+T (+ or -)
Window (bring Selected to front):   ' (APOSTROPHE)
Zoom In:   = (EQUAL SIGN)
Zoom Out:   - (HYPHEN)
View (next window):   CTRL+TAB
View (previous window):   CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Eyepoint (move back):   CTRL+ENTER
Eyepoint (move down):   SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Eyepoint (move forward):   CTRL+BACKSPACE
Eyepoint (move left):   CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Eyepoint (move right):   CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Eyepoint (move up):   SHIFT+ENTER
Eyepoint (reset):   CTRL+SPACE

Slew Mode (on/off):   Y
Heading North/Attitude Level:   CTRL+SPACEBAR
Freeze All Movement:   Num Pad 5
Slew Forward:   Num Pad 8
Slew Backward:   Num Pad 2
Slew Left:   Num Pad 4
Slew Right:   Num Pad 6
Slew Up Slowly:   Q or F3
Slew Up Quickly:   F4
Slew Down Slowly:   A
Slew Down Quickly:   F1
Freeze Vertical Movement:   F2
Rotate Left:   Num Pad 1
Rotate Right:   Num Pad 3
Pitch Nose Up:   9
Pitch Nose Up Quickly:   F5
Pitch Nose Down:   F7 or 0
Pitch Nose Down Quickly:   F8
Freeze Pitch:   F6
Bank Left:   Num Pad 7
Bank Right:   Num Pad 9

Compass/Pointer (on/off):   U
Compass Objective (next):   K
Compass Objective (previous):   SHIFT+K

Chat Window (display/hide) :   CTRL+SHIFT+]
Chat Window (make active):   ENTER
Voice (Start transmit):   CAPS LOCK
Voice (stop transmit):   ^CAPS LOCK
Voice (Start transmit to all):   SHIFT+CAPS LOCK
Voice (stop transmit to all):   ^SHIFT+CAPS LOCK
Transfer/Accept Control:   SHIFT+T
Follow Other Player:   CTRL+SHIFT+F

to have the days just cycle through but also be able to manipulate the Season, Day, Month, Year (including daylight saving and all the different time zones - I have a pdf to show all world timezones but it is about 900k too big for the post - I can send if needed).

(IF) flight simulation was used and a flightplan was created then the aircraft could complete this flight plan quicker by speeding the simulation rate up. Also If you just wanted to slew around in the aircraft to setup for a screenshot this would be convenient.

Having a preset set of views from airports and around aircrafts, land vehicles, or water vehicles.

I'm sure there is tonnes of work to do but these are just my ideas biased towards flight simulation.
If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky?


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Hey buddy,

That is a great list which I mostly agree with ( because I'm familiar with fsx :) ). However, what is being worked on right now is Anteworld ( and the Outerra engine ) which is not exclusively a flight sim.

Have no fear though, there are A LOT of flight sim enthusiasts here and we all have the same fidelity dreams you appear to :) It just may take a little more time.


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God above.. We can barely get reverse to work in the truck!
"Fear accompanies the possibility of death, Calm shepherds its certainty" - General Ka Dargo


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  • A clock that doesn't work still works twice a day!

@ Mctash
@ Zeos

Hahaha I bet the cogs weren't put in right inside the gearbox, well there are enough hills to run it backwards until a fix is found for the meantime. :-)

And sorry about the long list. It's just that you never know who's writing all this down behind the scenes so, well, if it's here you can either use it or not; or at least not use it right now but record it for later ;-)
If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky?