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Author Topic: Biggest Racing Simulator with prize for winners  (Read 7198 times)


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Biggest Racing Simulator with prize for winners
« on: June 15, 2013, 02:07:23 pm »

Biggest Racing Simulator with  prize for winners

...well i start by adding annual Dakar Race into example ...creating weekend races ending next weekend, creating support for players during race like maintenance mechanics for cars, bikes, trucks, refueling on the road ...asking for help if needed during race  for example if someone is lost (using the map from game) or its in a situation where the player cant go on and every help penalized with a small amount of money (or points that then can be transformed in money) and this is where the ill explain the prize ideea...  Each player must enter the race (obviously in online multiplayer) with at least 3 euros/dollars, where the first 3 arrived gets its share ...imagine a race with 50 players each one with 3 euros (150) where 1st winner lets say it gets 45% then the rest divided for the rest 2 players ...or could be points like i said ...im saying implying paypal or some sort of money management ...this could be hard work to implement all these but i dont find it impossible to be achieved ...
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 02:09:51 pm by szoundwave »