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Author Topic: Mil-Sim Anyone?  (Read 60637 times)


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Mil-Sim Anyone?
« on: March 13, 2012, 06:04:26 pm »

Personally speaking, I'd love to see a mil-sim in the vein of the OFP/ArmA series. Given how the engine functions, I believe it would be perfectly suited for the task. Any thoughts on this?


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 06:15:16 pm »

While I highly agree, some kind of science fiction setting is almost required, for two reasons:

1.) To enable the availability of high-velocity, high-flexibility transit: how else are you going to get your squad from Vancouver to Cape Town without sitting at your computer desk for eight hours. Of course, this can be mitigated and justified in other way- time acceleration and access to modern but very advanced technology, for instance. Most rewarding would be finding a way to make these long trips at least mildly interesting with procedural interruptions of some kind.

2.)Justifying the lack of a complex political structure: A modern combat sim would need at least a command structure representing hundreds of thousands of units, plus economic units, plus a civilian industry... Science fiction gives a good way to ignore that, by moving it "offworld".


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 06:28:21 pm »

While I highly agree, some kind of science fiction setting is almost required, for two reasons:

1.) To enable the availability of high-velocity, high-flexibility transit: how else are you going to get your squad from Vancouver to Cape Town without sitting at your computer desk for eight hours. Of course, this can be mitigated and justified in other way- time acceleration and access to modern but very advanced technology, for instance. Most rewarding would be finding a way to make these long trips at least mildly interesting with procedural interruptions of some kind.

2.)Justifying the lack of a complex political structure: A modern combat sim would need at least a command structure representing hundreds of thousands of units, plus economic units, plus a civilian industry... Science fiction gives a good way to ignore that, by moving it "offworld".

1. Just because it currently encompasses the entire world, certainly doesn't mean the game has too. Utilizing certain geographical locations, say a map of several hundred kilometers, would be the way to go.

2. I'm talking about a mil-sim, not a global strategic RTS game where micromanagement utilizing in-depth movement, logistics, diplomacy, economic allocations, and Corps/Division level planning is required. Hence, the reference to the ArmA series.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 11:50:02 pm »

If the engine could spawn small towns like the ones found in arma at random spots and auto connect them with roads and telephone poles you could play on a different 100 square mile patch of land every night for several decades at least.
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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 04:41:01 am »

Personally speaking, I'd love to see a mil-sim in the vein of the OFP/ArmA series. Given how the engine functions, I believe it would be perfectly suited for the task. Any thoughts on this?

And changing it a little more in the Project Reality way ... take me in ! : P I would actully like an hard-core reality mod. as i mentioned once before, making special pieces of technic be AI controled and when boarded, it could be able to controll as an real one - switch by switch - DCS-style. Of course it would hawe an "normal" mode to not let the majority people be bad on me, and the tech. documentation would be of course present. Just like this guy is working on : https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home
Like his work a lot.
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 04:22:15 pm »

I totally agree with this, I'm sure it could be made something great. Any plans of work into this idea?


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 05:18:17 am »

I totally agree with this, I'm sure it could be made something great. Any plans of work into this idea?

Still at school-problems, but I certainly would require non-less as all-USSR and Russian tech in this little world ... especially some S-300M´s simmulation and the whole BMD´s collection whyte Air-drop capability ( I wonna be dropped inside that thing from 2 Km height like the real VDV, and prepare the wehicle for fight after getting to earth ! :D  - that would be Project Reality for me.)

P.S.: Its ewen an interesting substitution for the canceled 2-year army training, and all artillery could be used whyte HL2-like tipps to teach basic balistic physics. (Would not be bad to make it an learn-to-play type game at realistic mode in avionics and other ... (of course, those tipps would be possible to disable)).
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 03:35:35 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 12:41:19 pm »

A military sim would be very good but my only concern is players. This is earth we are speaking about. We will need millions of people playing at the same time to at least find someone to fight


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 12:55:11 pm »

Looking forward on this! As Arma series players I can tell that you don't need the entire world to play, just a few detailed enviroment in a few Km around for infantry simulation, things change when including air combat. Outerra can handle this, you can focus the details where the infantry will move and let low detailed zone for air - air fight to not have the 'out-of-map' feeling.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2012, 03:40:57 am »

Looking forward on this! As Arma series players I can tell that you don't need the entire world to play, just a few detailed enviroment in a few Km around for infantry simulation, things change when including air combat. Outerra can handle this, you can focus the details where the infantry will move and let low detailed zone for air - air fight to not have the 'out-of-map' feeling.

Well, it could be Vehicle-based. Lets just say ther will be severall detail levels (around 5 : First Person hi-hi-detail, Open/standard transport hi-detail, MBT´s and transporters of closed type (periscope and camerra driwen) whyte medium detail, Helis medium/low and planes/ships/subs medium/low/werry low) where the different detail types distance apearence would be sensitivelly tuned (no need to hawe too much detail in long distance if all you see trough is an BTR´s periscope) still having an combined option (if you switch the driver look from the hatch, you hawe more looking capability and so a higher detail surroundings to see). It should be modell-based. Just an simple .txt where those parameters for warious places (from transporter driver periscope and hatch view to outter sitting positions for infantry, that just sits on the armoured vehicle). The gamemode-options would give an certain extend to change the detail-levels, features and detail visibility distances via drag-menu base, that would update/change those .txt´s and at the same time give the option to play whyte it manually or making it possible to change them if the game crashes because of them ... Of course, allways before putting an new piece of armor/plane/ship, those parameters would be chosen for it individually (cause all of them hawe an different observeabillity as for they construction) andthere could be an main option - apply global or individual detail characteristics (actually if a type of armour (tanks, transports, planes ...) will hawe a single detail .txt setting (being an global one for the game engine itself), or if any piece of tech. would hawe their own settings acording to theyr own .txt´s comming whyte modells itself - user moddified or in their base setup from modell application into the outerra-sim.)

 .... of course i already take the vehicle adding tool planned for outerra in mind, so it would be good to define such implementations into it, when it later comes to life. Also the settings are modifiable and modell-based, because the rangefinders and aiming devices are of an great difference between each other, so it would be an nice way of tweaking all those aspects for anyone individually for each thing he gets inside.

And, as an thought about that ProjectReality post of mine ... the needed soldier-class for various types of technic is an great way to lead an mil-sim and it cloud be ewen brought trought time to an new level, more realistic and engaging game experience. (maybe ewen very slightly different characteristics of movements between character clases - specnaz/mechanic-driver/pilot/...)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 06:16:34 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2012, 08:32:14 pm »

A military sim would be very good but my only concern is players. This is earth we are speaking about. We will need millions of people playing at the same time to at least find someone to fight

Ugh... Again, it doesn't have to encompass the entire world, only a certain geographic region or specific location or locations.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2012, 03:44:20 pm »

A military sim would be very good but my only concern is players. This is earth we are speaking about. We will need millions of people playing at the same time to at least find someone to fight

Ugh... Again, it doesn't have to encompass the entire world, only a certain geographic region or specific location or locations.

One moderately sized island would be enough, I suppose.
But for some reason, not even Earth as a whole would justify my urge. :)

As long as I can freely change my weapon attachments and give orders to my squad, I can even fight at an area not bigger than my town (4 thousand people...really goddamn small)
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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2012, 04:57:46 pm »

A good story would justify everything. Maybe there's big deposits of "resources" of some kind underground scattered over the planet in hundreds of places. Defenders can set up bases over and near these deposits and start collecting cash for more troops. The other side, who probably is mining and defending some other place, then has to come in and attack.

The important thing is that these battles might take up a few kilometers of ground in any one place, but between traveling, searching out new deposits, and fleeing to distant areas of terrain, then the seamlessly massive nature of the game-world is fully taken advantage of.


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2012, 06:52:28 am »

A good story would justify everything. Maybe there's big deposits of "resources" of some kind underground scattered over the planet in hundreds of places. Defenders can set up bases over and near these deposits and start collecting cash for more troops. The other side, who probably is mining and defending some other place, then has to come in and attack.

The important thing is that these battles might take up a few kilometers of ground in any one place, but between traveling, searching out new deposits, and fleeing to distant areas of terrain, then the seamlessly massive nature of the game-world is fully taken advantage of.

Instant thought: Ace of Spades-Battlefield hybrid.
"The Pope? How many divisions has he got?" - Joseph Stalin


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Re: Mil-Sim Anyone?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2012, 06:55:07 pm »

So, when we start working on it? haha
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