So, when we start working on it? haha
Well, it could be started whyte importing some mil. transportation-vehicles (as for the actuall or cold-war times) and getting them to an "KRAZ-Game" like handling. That would be the easy-tech thing to do. Starting now, making an great variety for the comunity and the sim in time ...(there is also a lot of things to do to take outerra itself to finish, so this ant-work could get a gripp of it)
... so, all modellers are welcome for this job ! : P ...
Still, we need to see the final importer, but as the actual flyer imported (as posted elswhere) it could be nice. I try to contact the hungarian AA-simmer, what he thinks about it (would like to see a S-300 in work later). Making an first static/mobile AA into Outerra and play whyte it a little ...
Actually, no bad if any starts its own thing on it, as for my, if it is hard-real-sim oriented (the simplified handling is not written-off of course for other people ) and wants to get all the fields and stuff someday to work together in Outerra, its in! There just has to be an base interaction to be hold on to, so avi-simmers bomb landing on tank-simmers abrams does some damage and he´s friends AA-simmers Patriot engages them back. : P