I can see where Zulu is coming from. Anteworld has sim elements but isn't strictly a sim. I don't think there should be any penalty for players who wish to use "arcady" controls. I think if the option for easy controls isn't there players coming later on (who most likely wont be sim fanatics as we seem to be here already) may get slightly pissed off.
Not everyone who will play Anteworld is a sim fanatic. Some people don't want to spend 10 mins starting up a jet fighter ( like I do

If an important part of the game is getting around by various vehicles then the vehicles should be universally simple to control.
Having said that, there is no reason to not include the option for realistic controls if players want, but it should be optional and not the default.
Personally I can't wait for a proper vehicle sims using Outerra engine, but I think it may be a little over-eager to try and shoe horn them in to Anteworld.
I don't mean to sound negative just putting in my 2 pence.