Woogey here, pleased to introduce myself. I hale from the Pacific NW of the United States. I like flight sims, and first person shooters. Although my flight sim hobby, lately has morphed into scenery development. A complete novice I have to admit, the airports I will be modelling to start off this adventure, will be Gray AAF on the Fort Lewis portion of JBLM. I was inspired by a screen shot of Outerra, that had all 4 helos currently stationed there. I don't know if the Ch-47, Uh-60, and Oh-58 are static objects or not? If anyone has any more info on this, please Im me. My goal is absolute authenticity of scale and shape.
My plan is to start at the ground level with the asphalt runways. Followed by the concrete tarmac parking areas. One by one I will add 100% custom buildings filling out the flight line area. Future plans may include radiating out into the base further include the barracks and motor pool etc.
Cameni, how does Outerra handle paint stripes on roadways? Is there a set standard for runways, or is it freestyle painting right now?
Also, what are your thoughts about things like navigation beacons that radiate signals for Aviators, and Mariners? Is this something that should be part of the base engine? Or better handled by the individual modules that are yet to be developed?
You have inspired me to create, l just hope, that my creations, will be inspiring by there own merits, and maybe get some more detailed aircraft to fly about.