Yes, I'd rather just use some floorplans of the sites and extrude from them. Set up some primitives. Pyton, do you use Max or Blender? I'm just looking around for peeps to learn from 
.. well, when i was on middle school, i had an grudge on Max ... doe some school stuff came by and havent seen it rightly (as any other for 3 years or so) so now i tried and i was wowed of the program progress ... so simply - im on Blender. Not much possibilities as in Max, doe simpler and somewhat user-friendly for me. But im just learning again too

... i also have an primitive approach - going trough the most vertices individually (just as the guys that make digital art paintings by going pixel by pixel) so its a time eater, making me go auto-crazy sometimes. (well, i just like hard manual labor work making an effort effect

- and people can know that its my work when they see the bulkyness of my pair of left hands

). ... doe i help if i will know. Thats why we are here.

... for the project of yours ... i hope i get to contribute too white some hut or area when my little stuff is finished. (i hope no one makes Gandalfs staff or beard to that moment
