I have learned about Outerra project just a few hours ago and I want to say that this project seems to be what I have been tinking about for years.
Looking at such PC games as OFP, Arma2, NWN2 and other cool games with cool editors, I think that every one of us have ever wanted to create something or take part in creating something. As for me, I used to create in NWN2 and make some game mission for Arma2. Looking at popularity of Arma2 addonmaking, I think people need a GLOBAL PROJECT, such as Outerra, for which they will write addons and contribute to game engine.
I want Outerra to be a universal simulator in nowaday computer world, simulating many aspects of life. It means that it will be some kind of open source project, and people from all over the world will contribute to it, I think it is the key to success.
For example, if Outerra has a perfect universal physics engine, then the community will only write addons for it and expand the game.
I'll give some examples. For example, if a railroad type of objects, locos and wagons are included into game, the railsim fans will start porting their models to the game. When tracked vehicles are introduced, we can include tank, BMP and other vehicles from military games or self-made models. Airplanes, cars, people, animals, buildings.... many other things will be ported from other sources or created from scratch...
I think this engine needs to be very realistic in many aspects to make it popular. Just imagine, one simulator for all kinds of games...
It will simulate wet road and mud traction, bullet flight trajectory, rails, interracting with water, wind, graphical FX like smoke and so on, realistic collisions, material penetration, explosions, to simulate armored vehicles with different types of armor, every vehicle and object will contain sub-objects with working physics... the future of engine is infinite... Look at Operation Flashpoint game... its engine is very ugly, but it lives now as Arma2, though it lacks very important moments, and it lives with a great commnity, because they are free to contribute to it.
To sum up, I think this project has a great future if it is made open-source or with a great SDK for making addons.
I, personally, want to see a realistic simulation of armored vehicles damaging (for Military Simulation), an ability to morph the terrain by a script or code (to simulate bulldozers, shovels, trenches making, holes after explosions, digging, ...), different types of rockets and ammo addons.... and of course, everything else...
My dream is that someday I will see a universal sim, that is made by all people in the world with physics like in real life, and no corporations making millions, no wars and no crime in real life

When we are united, we are much stronger force than fighting with each other. Sorry if this seems to be an offtopic...