I think sibwings should give this one away for free.. Everybody like free stuff + the OT engine isn't even close to stable. Certainly not stable enough to start selling addons for it.
Step 1. Make more free content for Cameni and Angry to attract people to Outerra.
Step 2. Get more people to hand $15 to Cameni and Angry pig to work on the engine by providing the content.
Step 3. See step 1.
Step 4. Once robust enough. Everybody can get greedy and start entire industries selling content for Outerra.
Step 5. I accept my nomination for the presidency and accept the hand of Ms Emma Watson to be my wife.
See how easy this is.
Easy indeed
For sure: I like freeware as well (...who does not)!
And it sure would be a real fantastic thing to have the Bird Dog available for free in Outerra! That would certainly awake many, many people's attention out there for Outerra as well.
And yet:
Showing some will to consider even taking some money into it all, is - at least in my opinion - one way (although certainly not the only one) to offer support for developers who may think about the option of releasing some add-ons for Outerra in the foreseeable future, but who have not decided yet.
I really don't like the idea of people selling content for outerra.
Well here is the benefit. No matter who sells content for Outerra, people will still need to own ... OUTERRA.. So Cameni and Angry get $15-30 and the mod maker makes.. whatever they want to charge. If you don't want the content that's fine because people who do are funding the R&D of the engine itself.
If a million flight simmers bought that BirdDog and paid sibwings ~$10 it means a million people would have bought Outtera as the base.
That's the point!