Here's a small tutorial on how to rig your vehicle model in Blender for Outerra.
What you need:-Blender (I used 2.65a) (Older version may have some bugs with the .dae exporter)
Step 1: Setting up the vehicle-Each wheel must be an own object, each separated from the main chassis.
NOTE- The main chassis origin point is the center of mass of the vehicle ingame, set it in a good position.
NOTE2- The wheels origin point is the rotating point. For correct rotations, set it to the median point of the wheel, or something like that.
Step 2: Parenting-Select the wheels and the chassis in this order
-Hit CTRL+P and select the first option
-Repeat for all the wheels. The hierarchy should look something like this.
-Step 3: ExportingExport your model (select everything) in .dae format, using the default settings. Now you can relate to other tutorials about the importer.
NOTE- If you edited the vehicle origin point hit CTRL+A to apply the new position/scale/rotation
NOTE2- If you have set modifiers, right before exporting hit the "Apply modifiers" in the .dae exporter output window, or in the blender modifier's one
Good luck.