Yes ... been following their work for ... 3 years now ? Work seems to be slow, there were only two on it you see, but once the importer came, i started doing my little stuff here for it. Found, that the time, in matter of my hobby needs, just suits well anyway. Actually, on the fact they have a lot else work on their hands too, done quite a lot in that time anyway. As for a roadmap - know a fella done something like that from all the forum info (cant quite remember, where he put it - im sure, someone shows up the link for ya) and they have the eye for simulator-use in main, doe a lot things they do for the Engine is used in else project they have (or vice versa) so sometimes occupies them something timely more important. As for next - still biomes (till vegetation's and stuff) together whyte clouds are the big things to do for them (besides to crosschecking and eliminating HW/driver support issues at any update). Doe, some vector-data layers for urban communications and even an city-generator were discussed too. Way is long, but it gets its way nicely to this point. - manuals are a little of hand for their four hands and uncompromising time-flow for our species (and system we live white-in), but also OT isnt much complete for them to focus much on it anyway. So for now, just ask them if you need something closer to know and try to use in full potential of the actual alpha tools for your project as much you can do. --- P.S.: well, the weapon system caught my eye, maybe i will get to ya for that when my little monsters are ready modeled to get serious on them, giving ya some stuff to play whyte. (shooting its just an show-off for that mercenary guy right now, but im looking forward to their great schemes plans)