hi all,
I am trying to set up a vehicle that uses a single material with an opacity map. The entire exterior of the vehicle uses a single UV mapped material. Although the glass is a separate mesh, the material is the same as the rest of the exterior. For transparency we were hoping to use an opacity texture, however, this doesn't seem to have an effect regardless of the colour alpha channel, format of the opacity map (-bc4 -linear, etc etc). We also tried different shader values and 'alpha_coverage' values and combinations. Alpha masking seems to work fine, it is just alpha blending that is giving us troubles.
If it is possible we want a single material for a vehicle exterior that uses an opacity map. is this possible or do all "glass" type objects require a separate material?
material example
"version" : 512,
"mats" : [
"name" : "my-material",
"shader" : "",
"alpha_coverage" : true,
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0",
"f0" : "0.039",
"roughness" : "1.0",
"emissive_color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0",
"sun_lag" : 0.0,
"max_temperature_black" : 40,
"max_temperature_white" : 20,
"thermal" : "",
"tex_albedo" : "my-albedo.dds",
"tex_normal" : "my-normal.dds",
"tex_roughness" : "my-roughness.dds",
"tex_opacity" : "my-opacity.dds",
"tex_reflectance" : "my-reflectance.dds",
"tex_environment" : "",
"tex_emissive" : "myt-emissive.dds",
"tex_thermal" : ""