Yes i want to animale those turrets. I Wonder if you can control 2 or more bones with the same Key, like to control 2 turrets tower at the same time or have those aa guns swivel All with one Key?
... the script is so, that you can define multiple turrets and theyr guns to rotate - problem is, they will rotate at once ... BUT, you probably could do it elseway - try give there an aditional IF function, where an aditional key should be pressed too (doe, cars and ships have limited entry keyboard keys at the time, but still, ya dont need much of them exept for just moving around and the turrets - so the "O" and ShiftUP/DOWN keys could be used for that additional entry). So one gun moves just by the clasic controls, the second, if the "O" key is hit at the same time, third whyte the ShiftUP and the last whyte ShiftDown.
That might work ... will probably need tome try and error script build there doe. But the small will be just static it seems for now.
- Would be classy if you could define something like a vehicle white-in a vehicle, so you could enter any fire-position like a car and when you wanted to steer the ship, you would aether define the same movement stuff into all those "quasi vehicles" or "take" the Bridge. Maybe, when the multilayer comes, it could work like a super LAN Server co-opp battleship fortress ! That would be classy whyte all the sparkles !!