Editing the .MTL file was something I was experimenting with. As I said. I am a noob to 3d Modeling and Importing
though I am a very quick study.
Here is a portion of the MTL of a model I am getting ready to use. Just the first 45
Lines. There is of course a lot more to it.
Any idea from looking at this portion of the .mtl as to what I am doing wrong or could
be trying to rectify this problem?
"version" : 512,
"mats" : [
"name" : "ID1259",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0",
"f0" : ".027",
"roughness" : ".498",
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "ID198",
"color" : ".725,.725,.725,1.0",
"f0" : ".027",
"roughness" : ".498",
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "eastEntrance.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "ID540",
"color" : ".725,.725,.725,1.0",
"f0" : ".027",
"roughness" : ".498",
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "GEcapitol_4.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""