Let's try to fix it handling just one tower. I know I will tell you things you probably know and have done, but it is just for a "check list".
1.- Is your tower just one editable poly? If it is not, attach every single part in one object (for testing purposes).
2.- Edit pivot only, and locate it in the base.
3.- Reset xform.
4.- Collapse the stack (or right click, convert to editable poly).
5.- Export "selected object".
If the problem is still there, post your .FBX exporting settings. Perhaps we could detect something wrong.
That was a great resume.
My situation was. Reset Xform worked in Max for keep objects calm to the normal (so if i move all the tower selecting all the individual obects, all was moving to the same direction finally).
But in outerra, this reset xform showed deformations in the objects (some individual objects moved and scaled). So i was not able to use reset xform that case.
The only thing that worked fine was attaching all the individuals in just one object. Then i was able to move without problems.
So. Why move? Because of the object pivot problem. Even when that pivot was so right in the base of the object (after attaching all). Still in outerra was wrong and so far.. For some reason the normal pivot was not the main in outerra.. The only solution was touching the "working pivot" (i think my first time in my live i use that in many years), then this working pivot was so far from the object (in point 0,0,0). There is one option for align to object, even for move it manually. I did it. And also didnt work for outerra.. So the only solution was move THE OBJECT to the pivot place in 0,0,0. Then the axis problem was solved in outerra (the only way for that case).
But for move my object without attaching it, some objects was moving in one direction, and others in the opposite... Reset Xform worked for solve that but the problem of show deformed in outerra made the option unable.. So only attach all..
Attach all is a solution for the final piece, just for export it. Because i preffer having all the original separated objects. But i dont know if its better to attach before exporting. Making more easy for the engine to represent it or something.
In resuming words.. Necesary to move my object to 0,0,0, position yes or yes.. No other option, no moving any pivot worked. And reset xform had unespected results for solve the crazy diferent directions moves in individual objects. What Max showed me after reset xform was not the same outerra did..
thank you very much kw71 and pyton