Yea kind of look like from a low-fps anime, changing shape too fast in comparison to their speed.
What worries me about our clouds, or about a global cloud coverage on a spherical world in general, is how to move the generated shapes along the wind patterns without distortions at the boundaries. It seems to me that to get it all working on a global scale one would have to account for a lot more than just the cloud shapes - the high/low pressure fronts, boundaries where they meet, how the winds behave there ... I'll tell you, making OT involves a lot of studying of the natural sciences, something I didn't expect back then in the classroom
... nothing never easy at all for sure.
Try to see it positively Cameni:
Even the greatest weather add-ons for various flightsims still don't get it all 100%. Sure they offer a lot - seriously no doubt about that, and yet:
It is - and will most likely be - still a compromise.
Never the less i like programms such as Active Sky or REX for FSX - i am quite sure You know them too.
They are both offering real useful weather-engines.
The only serious problem they have though are the limitations that they are dictated into by FSX, but besides that they offer some quite fine "real weathers".
Not certain about the weather in X-Plane 10 now though, as i don't have it running currently.
Anyways Cameni - You will certainly get some propper weathers for OT.
Can't wait to see clouds dancing in the sky, enjoy their shadows on the ground, some sunny day, some grey day, getting lost in some foggy area or snowstorm, listen to the raindrops and winds and anything else weather has to offer!
Keep it coming!