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Author Topic: importer restrictions: Mesh cannot have more than 65535 vertices!  (Read 8953 times)


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i have a high poly car that optimized to have as little objects as possible while none of them have more then 64k polygons. i think the car passed the importer but in the end i get this message:

EXCEPTION: colz::mesh::optimize_mesh_indices@colz_mesh.cpp(602):  Mesh cannot have more than 65535 vertices!

what mesh is this? is the importer trying to merge the non-BONE objects and the resulting mesh should not be bigger then 64k polys?


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Re: importer restrictions: Mesh cannot have more than 65535 vertices!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2012, 01:31:58 am »

Importer has to duplicate vertices that have multiple normals (different normals for connected faces). This can happen in the modeler, but for rendering it has to be unrolled, and because of this you can get more than 64k vertices.

The solution is either to smooth the mesh so that there's just one normal per vertex and no vertices are duplicated during import, or to divide the meshes to smaller parts.


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Re: importer restrictions: Mesh cannot have more than 65535 vertices!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2012, 05:33:28 am »

Ah understood. Indeed some parts have been modeled with nurbs and tesselated. These parts have binormals which I'm going to kill now :-) thx cameni