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Author Topic: Hmmm, How do I use a Turbine Engine and a Prop and get realistic performance  (Read 8553 times)


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I created an engine in Aeromatic , made sure it was a turbine engine then created the propeller with Aeromatic as well. Made sure the prop was attached to the engine but the combo doesn't produce any reasonable amount of power (force).

I changed the thruster to DIRECT and it works fine but when the thruster is the prop I created , I am barely am able to taxi at full power. I checked the prop RPM and it is very low, ranges from 200rpm to 400 rpm from idle to max power.

I have changed the Gear Ratio and that doesn't effect anything, I have gone from .001 to 1000.0 and the rpm doesn't change one bit.

Any ideas.

I have also use props that came with the engine/game/jsbsim same thing.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 10:50:43 am by mustang60348 »


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This is probably better suited for JSBSim forums, if it concerns solely the FDM. Maybe their archives have an answer for that already. We just basically took the existing JSBSim examples, we are no experts in JSBSim ...


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Thanks I will give it a shot there, When I find an answer, I will post here.


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So , I was able to figure this one out myself, You have to create a TurboProp engine vice a Turbine engine. Add a prop as the thrust generator and voila, works fine.