Hey! I downloaded this demo months ago and forgot all about it. When I launch Anteworld, everything goes well until the "initializing the world..." step, where it stays indefinitely (as far as I can tell).
I do have an Ivy Bridge Processor, however on my laptop I have the discrete GPU profile set for Anteworld (and I've tried shift right clicking Anteworld and select "Run with Graphics Processor > Nvidia 640M LE" ). My drivers are up to date.
As the program is running in the "Initializing the World" step, the memory used by Anteworld increases steadily (according to task manager), which made me think the program was actually still running, so I'd let it run for longer. And looking at the eng.log, the line that is repeated that reads "DEBUG: webview update: 136,47,48,48" was repeated over 6600 times (I had to remove the majority of them, as the file size was too large). My guess is that is where it's stuck, as I generally leave "Initializing World" up for a decent amount of time before I close out of it, giving it time to repeat whatever it is that represents.
My eng.log file is attached, as it is causes my post to go over the 20,000 word limit.
I really appreciate the help!