probably by setting new tire radius in script, and changing some other tire properties too.
... so, scripting the "damaged" mesh appear, switching the normal tire and scripting its smaller radius/props in ? ... Did you too thought about the possibility of dynamically changing meshes (cloth hit by a ball like stuff) for OT in the future ? ... what do you thing about using such way to simulate tire pressure based deformation (or lowering the pressure from vehicle cabin to have a better run on sands) while rolling and possibly used such a thing for broken ones too ? Just thought, if it would go to load the truck whyte some heavy stuff and take it effect on the tire profile ...
Broken in what way? Deflated or unmounted ...
... well, it seems to be a bug (it just "generates" itself rotations around the meshes origins for all tiles before saving the export of any kind for some reason, making it look like twitched paper-shred - stays like that on workspace too) ... im ruining Blender on Ubuntu linux, where my graph. card isnt exactly good whyte it (not supported, hacked some functions, tho linux doesnt like much - still better than whiteout for playing in Blender) ... and it has some issues during modelling too, so im not much in uproar about that
... i will switch it for a colada and 3dM when i get my hands on a normal sys. later .. (will do some tuning to it anyways based on the tire/rod needs for the OT tire-change test, just giving it to forum members to play whyte )