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Author Topic: Limits of functionally designed models ?  (Read 125385 times)


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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2013, 10:35:37 am »

Oh my dear great Svarog !!!! ... i newer even thought about blender being so damn angry on me to change the "textured" side of the mesh every-time i mirror it over some axis and ended up white an model that is basically fit for a trash-can.  :-\ 

And i thought that the conversion to the collada format was messy on my NB, finding there is an issue whyte individual pivots there (seems they changed a thing or two from the older blender versions), letting all the parts being ether spawn at the same spot whyte their origins, or laying them somehow unexpectedly wrong. Happens to me on the 2.67b when getting to two and more step parenting. (- that is the thing i described earlier, i thought it was linux messing up on me)

(The lighted up parts and some around them are not parented to anything - so in right dimensions and positions)

Ether i have to change every single wrong triangle by deleting and extruding it anew or ... well i dont wont to get the thoughts even close to this one. Seems, i will stretch my project to a little longer time ...

Anyone new at doing models for the Collada import version - dont do the same mistake, export at the very beginning at modeling, import to a new session and look at the rendered faces after each step of changing the model. (Alt + Z - for blender in object mode)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 11:12:09 am by PytonPago »
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2013, 11:45:06 am »

no way to just flip back the normals or conform them? could be easily fixed n maya i think


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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2013, 12:40:56 pm »

no way to just flip back the normals or conform them? could be easily fixed n maya i think

 ... flipping them is possible, just that there is so much stuff and faces i must pick vert by vert ... and in two separate models i did. I would just give it the two-side mesh option, but OT does not support that yet (or am i out of the updates lately ?).
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2013, 01:26:21 pm »

if you like you can send me some parts and ill have a look if i find a quick fix in maya. (e.g. as obj)


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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2013, 02:41:05 pm »

if you like you can send me some parts and ill have a look if i find a quick fix in maya. (e.g. as obj)

.. well, the way i done that model and how it looks in real render makes me doubt a fast way ... i just started to turn it right hand-picked, but if you like to play whyte it, there you go - http://www.upnito.sk/subor/df004531279ad1964d0fa8c49bbd1829.html

At least i made the single wheel import properly, and seems the size is like it should in RL. Just to figure some script out, so it rolls and bounces down hills.  ;D
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2013, 03:46:11 am »

Just a little show in OT :D ... yes a lot of work still on that faces-problem (cabin not there) ...

Looking at the guy, what is its height there ? ... the door window starts somewhere at 2m (as in reality, so in blenders grid), so he seems to be about 1.70 ? ...
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2013, 06:12:58 am »

Oh my ... that face flipping took 10 years of my life by stress ...

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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2013, 07:51:59 am »

face flipping t
great patience man.
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but the hard drive was overwritten already. She restored data, but photos were messed up.
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2013, 07:54:51 am »

Looks great, really nice work on that Truck! :)



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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 10:53:28 am »

I have found face flipping WHEN DRIVING to be associated with the upper limits of the suspension. If it hits things freak. If it flips sitting still you have bigger problems.
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2013, 04:33:49 pm »

Was just a model face-defining problem whyle i worked on it, no such thing as flipping in OT yet ... at the same time, the space for the wheels is enormous, they would have to break in three pieces, till they hit something around them. :)

... still you have bigger problems.

And i indeed have ... scripting. I cant figure out, why my wheels standing dull (no rotation, only z axis movement), hope it isnt some Blender origin tragedy work (have not a good idea of how this newer one handles them and their individual sub-coordinate systems) ... still, have some things still to try ... but i would really need some help figuring out how to get the complex suspension to work later on ...

... would be grateful, if i could define two bones fixed to certain places on two other meshes acting on them. Then i just could leave the z axis suspension, whyle the wheel axis would just lean according to both wheel center points. (the reality inconsistency of this approach would actually not be much visible) - have to find that post whyte the nicely suspended buggy on the forum. I hope you know witch i mean Zeos. :)

At the same time, the angle-multiplication, by witch other wheels turn around Z axis whyle steering is known from your tatra, but is there a way to define such for one of the front wheels separately ? In realz the ural turns just the left wheel directly, then there is a separate rod going on the xy plane  connected to both, where the result is, that at the max position, left wheel is in 45 deg. and the right trough the rod 30 deg. (vice versa for steering in the other direction) - but there is the problem, that if i get the right wheel animated just like an object (like the rods) , interactions are problematic and it probably wont get to help whyte steering at all. So i planned to give the right wheel a angle multiplicand and just define a two-bone connection for the rod to both wheels ...

   - - - - - the same principle and set-up actually.

The engine filters (later on some more things) should be selectable for each person likings from the import menu - whats the script for your tatra to hide the back-section ? Just giving in the "spavning" instance of the scripting js-file the mesh-false option ? So there is another script to define, there are 2 or three types of such variables for the importer menu ?

P.S. : and yes, its just the bold ural model ... i just wont to get it work properly, till i get to face-flip the grad system, so there is still that killing job to finish. :D ... and sorry that i will start to ask so intensively about everything from now on. Wont to get it into my blood for the future. :)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 02:01:56 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2013, 12:58:21 am »

And i indeed have ... scripting. I cant figure out, why my wheels standing dull (no rotation, only z axis movement), hope it isnt some Blender origin tragedy work (have not a good idea of how this newer one handles them and their individual sub-coordinate systems) ...

Heh ... seems i had the wheel mesh pivots in opposite direction - interesting that OT didnt animate them at all like that - now is working corectly.

At the same time, the angle-multiplication, by witch other wheels turn around Z axis whyle steering is known from your tatra, but is there a way to define such for one of the front wheels separately ? In realz the ural turns just the left wheel directly ....

.. heh, i tend to be blind as hell when it comes to scripts - didnt see the new tatra handles things that way - solved. Still the rod and axis has to be bound to them in some way ...
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2013, 01:05:07 am »

Will diferent lerps for each wheel help in case you want them to rotate differently?
Havent done scripting in a while  :-X


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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2013, 01:57:15 am »

Will diferent lerps for each wheel help in case you want them to rotate differently?
Havent done scripting in a while  :-X

 ... may be ... have to try.
    And i need to find out how to stop rotation of a mesh bound to the wheel (the wheel is parent to its inter-section whyte connections to the steering rods and axis - i bound it this way, so it would Z-rotate like the wheel itself, now i have to someway, just for the inner section, limit rotations only to z axis (so it doesnt spin like the tire in ZY plane))
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Re: Limits of functionally designed models ?
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2013, 02:08:35 am »

Will diferent lerps for each wheel help in case you want them to rotate differently?
Havent done scripting in a while  :-X

 ... may be ... have to try.
    And i need to find out how to stop rotation of a mesh bound to the wheel (the wheel is parent to its inter-section whyte connections to the steering rods and axis - i bound it this way, so it would Z-rotate like the wheel itself, now i have to someway, just for the inner section, limit rotations only to z axis (so it doesnt spin like the tire in ZY plane))

Wait.. what? I dont understand why wheel is parent and not vise versa.  Ok anyway if it's help try to parents that rod to something else and just copy z values from wheel directly.
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