Hi there, i just started to thing about getting stuff at my model get a bit complex in the design:
- having rigid axle suspensions (single and multiple wheels)
- gear-complex simulation (simply put, all gear rods between engine-gearbox-wheel axles-functional equipment (like a winchdrive) whyte proper rotation speed proportions of each element even to the actually set gear) (thats 3 parts for rods multiplied by 7)
- driving wheel complex simulation (at the same time the suspension works, hawing around 6 different movable parts)
- other gear driven equipment (in my case the BM-21 launcher that will be put on the chase later (maybe 12 or so))
- Motor fan rotation
- a lot of little movable things :
-- door handle
-- door window control (mech. or electronic)
-- gear setting
-- sidelights and other internal stuff (possible fans, all function-able buttons, internal GPS or control LKSs etc.)
As there will be no different model for the cockpit and at the hi-detail LOD range could be maybe 10 such vehicles doing different stuff, how does that affect hardware usage and where should I draw the line in those systems ? My ural has just a 6 wheel base (single and double rigid axle suspension):

... doe, there are much more complex possibilities (a 8 or 10 wheel base whyte the same level of sim-modeling of the hi-weight crane at its back like the already described) and yes, the graphics involved to the rocket launcher at the actual one, where the controls for it are at theyr base, that i would like to be used directly there:

(so it will have another set of complexly-movable meshes to the model (not so much as it horrifyingly looks like)). So generally, there is a lot of stuff that will dependently move at once and I have a bad feeling about putting that final thing to Outerra that way, but no idea how should it be simplified reasonably and still multifunction-ally at a great number of details.
There still be a little complexion added in the model itself at different levels (engine and its compartment is not finished, its a open structure vehicle, so at least a simplified engine-mock up should have been done as it is visible at a great number of angles, what was my motivation to make the gearbox-complex working the way as descried), so yes the model can end up hi-poly not looking like that at first look ..