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Author Topic: New to Outerra - problem with importing.  (Read 7666 times)


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New to Outerra - problem with importing.
« on: October 26, 2013, 05:57:12 am »


I just bought Anteworld yesterday to play around with importing objects and the Oculus Rift.

My objects are importing fine, with textures and shows up nicely in Anteworld and the scale seems correct too.

But I can't figure out how to make collision work... could someone explain to me what this means:

"Every separate object in COLLADA file has to have corresponding root node with object name. In the second hierarchy level you can define LOD levels, these levels are optional but you should use them because they help a lot with performance. Currently we support 4 LODs, these LOD parents names have to start with LOD0.., LOD1..., LOD2..., LOD3..., COLLISION... the last will be used as a collision mesh."

I'm using 3dsmax 2012, do I group objects?

Also, is there a walk-mode in Anteworld? It's rather disturbing when you're "walking" around in the Rift and suddenly you're 10m up in the air...

I just want to be able to walk around on the structures I import into Anteworld (bridges for example).



  • Brano Kemen
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Re: New to Outerra - problem with importing.
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 06:15:11 am »

Collisions with objects aren't supported yet, only vehicles collide with each other now, using their bounding boxes.

Walk mode used to be on key 8, but it's broken at the moment, as the unfinished character animation code leaked into the latest public build and broke something. Animated walking/running mode is coming probably in the next version.


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Re: New to Outerra - problem with importing.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 07:12:27 am »

Collisions with objects aren't supported yet, only vehicles collide with each other now, using their bounding boxes.

Walk mode used to be on key 8, but it's broken at the moment, as the unfinished character animation code leaked into the latest public build and broke something. Animated walking/running mode is coming probably in the next version.

Aww... that's a shame. The walking stuff can be fixed by always holding down the "fly down"-button when "walking", that way it seems like walking and you don't acidentally fly away.

But not being able to collide with imported objects makes me sad. Is this something that will be implemented in the near future?

BTW, is the FBX-importer live? (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=2087.15)



  • Brano Kemen
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Re: New to Outerra - problem with importing.
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 07:34:28 am »

Beta FBX importer is accessible through ctrl+F7.

Collisions for all objects will be implemented after we update/optimize spatial index to work efficiently on global scale, which is in plan for near future.