By the way (not sure what your method is) if you go into the world menu and significantly change the settings , like changing terrain quality settings and texture resolution from default to max, all the terrain will vanish, leaving a white screen you can move around in with only houses and other artificial structures visible.
Yes, it's the method I have used, as well as the object dev tool who makes models even more visible
These structures can be seen from ridiculous distances, and its obvious that many have no LOD to speak of, with unknown effects on performance when there are many of them.
Also in this mode, the intermittent "hitch" I mentioned before becomes very evident on my machine.
Blame M7
: it's mostly because of the "appartement building", the "church" and probably the "blue house". These three ones have probably a too high detail for this kind of purpose but I couldn't resist to add them
. The appartement building will probably be removed if I find a model suited for this location, it's already a bit weird to see this big thing in a remote Alaskan location.
Can you do a quick framerate test by removing temporary M7 models from your package directory?
I have a really less powerfull computer than yours and get 34fps with all the models on Talkeetna base campos (12:00), and 45fps without M7 buildings. That's a huge difference... (and the cam is not even close, I lower framerates when I'm close to the buildings).