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Author Topic: LOD  (Read 16600 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2014, 04:44:32 pm »

... from walking into it, driving past it, driving through it, flying over it....
... just like the four LODs .... yes, some all fitting "standard" would be great.

I think you've miss-understood the 4 levels of Details a flight sim needs are graduated very differently from what a First Person game would use.

Does that mean we have,

First Person - 4 LOD's
In ground Vehicle - 4 LOD's
In airborne Vehicle - 4 LOD's
In Space Vehicle - 4 LOD's

I don't see 4 levels of detail across the board based on distance only code, meeting everyones needs...

I don't see there being 16 but neither do I see only 4.
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« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2014, 04:50:27 pm »

I know OT can support 14 levels.. Does that help the situation?
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« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2014, 05:19:08 pm »

nobody likes a smart alec..... ;)
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell


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  • It´s way too complex, dont let me try to explain !
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2014, 10:43:40 pm »

First Person - 4 LOD's
In ground Vehicle - 4 LOD's
In airborne Vehicle - 4 LOD's
In Space Vehicle - 4 LOD's

 ... rather not. When you take a DCS like model as the 4-th, a slightly better (in texture resolution and a few more verts), but boxy model as the 3-rd (for close fly-by in airplanes), a nicely detailed outer model as the second and the same, whyte interiors as the first.  ... that also probably needs a collision mesh for them all, made in a fitting way and 2-4 stage damage models in all the LODs. (thats for military vehicle purposes) It might end up well, when all kinds of vehicles will have set a different pop-up distance (maybe even a variable - not bad if ya flying in a Heli at very low speeds in urban areas to get the second LOD for the closest few buildings, yet at higher speeds, using just 3-rd and 4-th as you would not see anything more detailed.)

But its true, just a simplified way this is. Also, making a "BF" like damage model of all building in wast spaces, like OT, might be a real problem.  If that would be needed, i would prefer to find a way of procedurally generated "hole and piece maker". Something, like a 3D software Cell Fracture Tool ... it could doe use a set of some pre-made animated (or physics dependent) pieces, witch it would use everywhere, but slap the correct texture over (but you might see the bad idea of it when it comes to collision mesh or rendering the actual hole in the wall -- and probably saves of those conditions).

On the other side, an special way of handling models could be interesting and more "agile". Lets say, if ya have a different module system (like Air, ground, naval ... in combination). The models could have a set of up to 14 LODs, (maybe stored them all even somewhere on the cloud) where each would be a separate model file of the same model directory. Then if ya use just one, or two sets of the systems modules (like aircraft and ground vehicle) - those module specific LODs would be downloaded/packed in the Mod/module, while others, whyte a different set, would have other sets from those 14 LODs of the model.
If it were broadened by a few stage damage models for all of those modules and well done blending between them for each set. Then it would be something great. Doe, each model, if done this way would be probably a 100+ Mb thing for all trying to use all modules (and not talking about hours behind 3DMax/Blender). But it would be able to import just some of the LODs - making it possible to import specific models just for some modules (but then it could not be used in servers/game modes of combined deployment).

... just a thought doe. But it would be interesting to find a fitting "standard" for OTs Air and on foot scale capabilities.
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.

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