How quick would be to convert, would say, vector data of whole Europe roads to Outerra roads?
The reason I'm asking is to offer following structure:
Originally have 2 separate road storages:
1) Vector
2) Outerras (GPU ready roads)
So the relation is following:
1) Vector data used for modifications - importing new layers, editing existing ones, deleting layers, deleting selected vectors, selecting and exporting layers and parts of vectors. (All this outside of outerra, but will explain what happens inside later).
2) If the convertion is reasonably quick (or speed can be achieved by partitioning the conversion process) then-
As Outerra starts it checks for any modification done to Vector file. If such exists it checks the region of modification - deletes (GPU ready) roads from this region and generates new one, based on vectors.
(Additionally if Outerra is running already, would be helpful to have "refresh roads" button. Does the same as on start)
Now second part: Modifying roads in Outerra
When user opens dialog for road modification, he is not modifying GPU Ready roads.
Instead he is presented with vectors from Vector file (as it does now with yellow lines) for region he is modifying.
With other word's user temporary has Vector visualization in Outerra. Visualized as lines. (This what happens now, when yellow lines modified).
Basically each modification is direct change in vector file. And after it's done (and saved), again refresh is happening - No2 (mentioned before).
Layer support is additional of course. But this way it is easy to track changes, modify, delete anything. As the only trustable and main source is vector file. Which in case of update is converted (only partially , as needed) to Outerras format.
If the process is not reasonably quick, then no automatic updates - just a refresh button (External and internal) which will keep user aware of loading process.
Hope it make sense