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Author Topic: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer  (Read 16051 times)


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Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:22:15 am »

I've spent the last couple hours searching the web (and this board) for a similar solution, so forgive me if this is all common knowledge...

I've been following Outerra Model Library's excellent YouTube tutorial on how to import sketchup models into Outerra using the FBX importer, but have been running into a few consistent problems.

Outerra 8.4.5377
Sketchup Make 2015

First:  Scale is way off.  I've checked the scale of the items I'm importing with the Sketchup tape measure and they all seem to line up, however when the item is finally imported it is inevitably tiny by a factor of maybe 10.  Backyard sized nuclear plants, etc.

Second:  No textures.  Again, I've followed the instructions per the video to make sure the .fbx file is now in the folder with the textures after exporting the sketchup as an FBX. 

I've tried with about 10 different models--same results every time.  Is there a setting (or settings) that I need to pay attention when exporting with Sketchup?

Thanks for the help--this is my first post on this forum.  I've been playing Outerra on my DK2 for a few days now and am a life long flight simmer.  Even though the actual "sim" aspects of this engine are comparatively simple, I have yet to experience such an insane level of presence with anything else.  This engine is a marvel.



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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2015, 07:07:43 am »

Possible reasaons for not getting textures are these ones:
1.) Did you copy the .dds textures (the format is important) to the package directory of your model?
2.) Are they mapped in your material.cfg? (which lays in your package directory)

At least you should read this for getting informed about materials.

The scalation problem might be caused be the exportert or sketchup. I'm not using sketchup so i can just tell you, what it would be in blender. The exporter gives you the possibility to change the scalation factor. If sketchup offers you this, this should be your friend.


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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2015, 08:16:20 am »

For the scale, you need to open the option when exporting from sketchup.  There you have the scale unit option. I normally use centimeter but try some other that are not your default.


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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2015, 09:10:38 am »

In Blender, I always set the scale factor to 100 in the FBX exporter, and copy my textures manually.
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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2015, 10:39:38 am »

Thank you for the responses.  I'm slightly confused as the demo I watched included none of these steps I've seen mentioned elsewhere about converting .jpg textures to .dds and the such--are the functions presented in this tutorial now broken?  Is there an option to export textures as DDS from sketchup that I am missing?



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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2015, 04:17:29 pm »

Probably not. I'm using nvidia compress tools for that job. But there are also plugins for gimp and photoshop available though which is more user friendly.


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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2015, 05:12:40 pm »

If I had to read between the lines here I'm guessing that most people are using blender for model importing and I should likely do the same.  I'll give it a try tonight...



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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2016, 10:38:24 am »

I am new in Outerra and I'm not a programer. I am just a enthusiastic to build scenarios and drive inside them. But I want to share my experience to use FBX importer.

I did the passes in the video in youtube using the FBX importer and I had the same issues is quoted here. I exported the models from Sketchup (I use the Sketchup 2014) and I tried to import by FBX importer. The first, I couldn't even export a .fbx to sketchup, because it only export the textures, but it don't create a .fbx archive. Time ago I was trying to use the Unity platform and there I found the same problem. But there I used to export a .dae archive and then I converted it in .fbx using the program FBX Converter Tool. I did the same here and it ran. So, I export a .dae archive and I convert to .fbx using this tool.

When I export the first time, my archives were in a big scale, missing some walls and with no texture. The texture I solved only using the Photoshop to convert the .jpg archives into .dds archives (I noted the images must be the pixels size multiple of four to work) and pasting in a folder created in Outerra directory. The scale was more difficult because I thought all models in sketchup were in a true scale. But I noted that they weren't this form. So, in each model, I saw the approximate scale that the models needs to have the true scale, decrease or increase in sketchup archive and I export after this.

The missing walls happened because I exported with the standard options. In dialog box, I had many options to mark, and the only marked is "Export texture maps". I tried to mark all options and export, but the FBX Importer couldn't import the result archive. So I tried many combinations until I noted that the option "Export Edges" creates this import issue in FBX Importer. So, marking all the anothers options except "Export Edges" solved my problems with the missing walls and now I can export any sketchup form to Outerra.

I hope it helps!

I had another problem. A specific model crashes the Outerra when the camera is near to it. Independently the form I reach this model, always the Outerra craches.

Now I'd like to know how I can put the specific types of models in a folder, because all my imports are independents in Outerra menu. With a large number of models, is difficult to navegate in menu.



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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2016, 05:43:45 pm »

A specific model crashes the Outerra when the camera is near to it. Independently the form I reach this model, always the Outerra craches.

Can you send us the model package for debugging?

I'd like to know how I can put the specific types of models in a folder, because all my imports are independents in Outerra menu.

For this the models need to be in one package. It's not yet possible to do this with FBX import, only the Collada import supports it.


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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2016, 02:56:05 pm »

Thanks for reply!!


Can you send us the model package for debugging?

I don't know how I can submit a archive here, because the limit of post is only 192 kb and the archive is bigger.


For this the models need to be in one package. It's not yet possible to do this with FBX import, only the Collada import supports it.

How can I use the Collada import in Outerra engine?



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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2016, 07:38:00 pm »

How can I use the Collada import in Outerra engine?


1. - shift+F7opens the collada importer.

2.-This are the instructions I received from Levi (thanks to him, wherever he is!).

"Those packages were imported using Collada Importer. It automatically generates an .objdef file for each mesh in the scene when imported in OT.

The only "setup" before exporting to .DAE (using OpenCollada for Max 2015 in my case) is to make sure that your meshes (the ones you want to be separate objects/entities) are not "children", but "parents". And of course, all the meshes centered at 0,0,0.

The reason I haven't used FBX importer is that it will automatically parent all meshes to an empty mesh, resulting in a single object/entity when imported.

The Collada importer will also generate a .mtl file for each object, but you can collapse all those in a single file, and change the .mtl path in each .objdef file to use the new collapsed .mtl file. I used TextCrawler 3 to automate the process".
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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2016, 06:51:46 am »

Quote from: KW71
2.-This are the instructions I received from Levi (thanks to him, wherever he is!).
I'm still here. ;) But not as active as I would like to be... :-[


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Re: Scale/Texture issues when using FBX importer
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2016, 09:03:00 am »

"A man who is contented with what he has done, will never become famous for what he will do".