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Author Topic: FBX importer won't work  (Read 7358 times)


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FBX importer won't work
« on: August 11, 2016, 06:06:30 pm »

Is there a guide on how to use it? It's very unintuitive and all it does is crash.

Script file and physics fields can't be changed. No word on what unit multiplier does or if the importer can function without a value in it. Import object is unticked by default but assuming by object it means the mesh why else would you be using the importer?

Whatever I click I end up with mtl, def, pkg and anim files but no entry in any of the object menus.


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Re: FBX importer won't work
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2016, 06:57:24 pm »

no entry in any of the object menus.
I don't understand, the parameters in the objdef file have no entries?

Script file and physics file may not be hooked up yet, the FBX importer does need to be finished still. Just do all the configuration yourself in the .objdef in a text editor.

Unit multiplier scales the object size, so if your program happens to be exporting 100 times to small, enter 100.

I know this isn't very helpful, but the FBX importer has never crashed or not worked for me. That said, I don't touch any of the options because I set everything up correctly beforehand in the FBX file I export from Max. Looks like what you are trying to import only has a BONE_mesh or BONE_dummy in LOD0, that could be the problem there.

Upload or PM me the FBX file and resulting package if you're still having issues, and always submit the crash report with a note of what you were doing.



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Re: FBX importer won't work
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2016, 07:39:14 pm »

I don't understand, the parameters in the objdef file have no entries?

No entry in the vehicle or aircraft menus no matter what option selected.

I found the model in the static objects menu. I can manually add the textures and change it to a Vehicle class. However no impcfg file is created and even if I add one manually, it won't add the bone node retroactively.

Here's the model I'm using

And here's the resulting pkg

Ordinarily I use the DAE importer but this model's UV coords mess up when exported to DAE and my usual tricks of resetting the xform do nothing.


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Re: FBX importer won't work
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2016, 11:07:11 pm »

Yes, you must do all the configuration in objdef manually and no impcfg is generated for the FBX importer, that is only for DAE. I would suggest avoiding Collada completely and doing everything in FBX.

You must name your joints using the BONE_ prefix before exporting to FBX, or else use Bone objects as joints without the prefix, which will appear blue in the FBX importer heirarchy instead of orange as with BONE_joints. You can also Convert deforming dummies to bones during the FBX export. Note that collision meshes will not be rotated by a BONE_joint and are only moved/rotated by Bone objects, so if you are using collision meshes avoid using BONE_ prefix as the parent of a collision mesh the must move/rotate.

