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Author Topic: SIMPLE WATERCRAFT TUTORIAL  (Read 10937 times)


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« on: December 16, 2017, 11:19:43 am »

This site has some awesome animated models, and many of them are showcase quality in terms of using Javascript to show what's possible. But with complexity comes confusion. 

In an effort to make Outerra appealing to animators (most of which are NOT programmers) I have embarked on a project to create ultra-simplified tutorials that show "just enough" information to create a bare-bones (but functional) craft in Outerra.

My primary audience is people who use an animation software called MUVIZU, which uses muppet-style characters. I mention this so you will understand why my examples include such odd looking drivers.  ;-)

the tutorial video:

the related files:


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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2017, 11:39:19 am »

Commendable project.
It should help to increase the number of Outerra enthusiasts ...

Congratulations !!!   :)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2017, 03:39:24 pm »

Thanks for the encouragement, Andfly! And most of all, thanks for all the help you have given me! The post above is just one small part of my project to make Outerra known to animators. Here is a link to an entire forum where I am trying to condense the fundamental concepts that are scattered all over the place into one location that is geared toward newbies.

Obviously most people on the Outerra site will have no use for such entry-level information, but maybe when new people visit the Outerra site they can redirect to my forum and find what they need to get started without having to ask all the same questions newbies tend to ask.


I have linked to information on this site and to videos created by Outerra's users in order to keep from reinventing the wheel. If anyone objects to my use of their proprietary video or information, please message me and I will be happy to remove the link.

Also, I am still very much a newbie myself, and no doubt I will make incorrect observations in my tutorials. If anybody sees a statement that is so wrong it would lead to bad results, please let me know. However, ordinary typos and slips of the tongue abound, and if they don't lead to a failed project I would probably not take the time to re-post the corrected video.