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Author Topic: Configuring Boats so that they sail.  (Read 10639 times)


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Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« on: November 23, 2017, 03:33:48 am »

Are there any tutorials on how to convert a static model of a boat into one that will sail?

I have imported a Loyal Class Fleet Tender using the fbx importer, and would like to make it sailable.



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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 04:44:22 am »

The simplest instant method:

In the "Outerra / Anteworld / packages / outerra / us_costguard" folder, there is the command file "us_costguard.js".
Copy this file to your model folder by renaming it: "your_model.js".
("your_model" must be the name of your boat as it was imported in outerra ... it should be the same file name ".pkg" and the folder itself).
Open the ".objdef" file of your model with notepad.
In the definition of "physics" write: "watercraft".
In the "script" definition, write the name of your ".js" file (your_model.js).
In the "description" type the wording you want to make when you choose your model.

That's all !

Your Fleet Tender now sail.   :)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 07:13:38 am »

Many thanks, that worked a treat!!
Now I must work out how to set it lower in the water, and make it more stable, for the Loyal Class tender is somewhat larger than the coastguard cutter.
Thanks again, simple when you know how.


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2017, 11:18:43 am »

At this point you should be ready for the most enjoyable part ...
Begin to go into the command file editing to change boat parameters and adapt them to your boat size!

Open your javascript file with an editor (there are many on the web, completely free, such as FreeJavaScript [http://www.yaldex.com/Free_JavaScript_Editor.htm] and PSPad [http://www.pspad.com/] ).

The program line: "return {mass: ..." can be edited and completed with the parameters that you can find here:

The program line: "this.extra_force ..." , indicates the forces that apply to the boat.
In direction "y", the push force is applied forward and is proportional to the "engine" (activated with the "W" key).
In the direction "x" the lateral forces to bend the trajectory, proportional to "steering" (activated with the "A" and "D" keys).
In the direction "z" ... for the moment: nothing!
This is the high-low axis and your boat does not think it's submersible and not even a plane !!!

In this section of the Outerra WIKI:
you can find a large number of possible commands to greatly expand your animation and interaction with your boat.

Maybe it will not be easy, especially at the beginning (like all things), but if you can get results, the passion for Outerra should not abandon you and you could create very beautiful things!

Good fun!!!
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2017, 11:41:02 am »

yes, once again thanks to Andfly for graciously providing help to others! I wasn't far enough in my learning curve to be looking for that answer yet, but now it's logged where I can find it when I'm ready...


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2017, 02:36:23 pm »

Once again I owe you my thanks, Andfly.
I seem to be getting there, my watercraft now floats on it's waterline, I have propulsion and steering ( I can actually go places!!!), it still bobs up and down quite a bit, but that can be worked on in the short future.
I am more used to using VSF  for my sailing, and Anteworld is completely different, both sims however, have their good points, If only it were possible to merge the two!!!

regards, Bob.


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2017, 12:03:57 pm »

Outerra is an engine still under construction and does not have all the capabilities of a fully functional and running commercial simulator.
However, its procedural features and the ability to reproduce an entire planet with incredible details using a "acceptable" amount of data make it a radiant future!
Also the amount of commands to build models and manage their movements begins to be considerable (and well done) and offers ample opportunities for those who want to create something in this environment.

He gave me, and continues to give me, great satisfactions!  :D
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: Configuring Boats so that they sail.
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2018, 01:13:17 pm »

Based on Andfly's information, I've created a simple video on the process of importing a model as watercraft.  See comments under the video for more information:
