Well I notice there is a 250hispana presence here already, how many more are lurking?
Currently ww2ol is undergoing some major overhauls yet the most depressingly out of date part of the game is the one that the developers cannot even come close to fixing.
The terrain engine was written in the late 1990s, has a terrain resolution of 900m, all objects (except for speedtrees) must be placed by hand, the same five textures repeated over and over again, the list goes on.
Some of us in the ww2ol community are hoping this engine might be the 'one' - the devs have made a few specifications for any engine they would use in future, either in house (hahaha) or third party, namely:
Same or better viewdistance (currently 8km)no problems for outerra here.
Procedural generation of towns, cities and transport routesI understand roads can be generated, any word on towns?
Ability to have 'hooks' (their terminology) in the landscape that will interface with their databases (for the capturing of facilities for example)This last one has been the deal-breaker in all the 3rd party candidates they have looked at so far. Is it something that might be coded in relatively easily or added via a plugin at a later stage?