The trees are just billboards, but we will be also switching to models up close. I guess there can be around 200,000 of such trees rendered in an average forest scene, maybe more - maximum density is ~44,000 trees per square km, one tree in one 4.8x4.8m cell. Performance depends on the actual density of the trees on the visible terrain tiles - for the areas that are almost completely covered by trees that that would make 400-500 thousand trees rendered.
Billboards are generated at run time by a geometry shader from a tree coverage map (per terrain tile). The map is computed using local terrain properties like elevation, slope and curvature, combined with fractal noise values to get the fractal-like distribution of trees in nature.
As for the plans - the vegetation will be derived from land type layer with 500m resolution. Each land type defines probabilities of occurrence of distinct vegetation types, which will be generated and mixed using fractals in a way that preserves the probabilities. The attainable variety of vegetation should be sufficient, problem will be to collect data for all the vegetation types for all the land classes we'd like to have.