Well, intelligent escape-routes could be implemented in basic OT world (would be neat) - just going for highest vegetation (for small animals like lizards, rabbits, mice ...) and if possible (distance and predator position in mind) to the ground hole (witch were procedurally placed around the world and animals, that can use them would be their size-dependent). ... it would be interesting to watch a fox hunt for such a mice, when some routes would be not possible for the fox unlike the mice. Maybe even an addition of an small animation type (if the mice is in a bigger bush, the fox could try to reach it white his paw for some seconds, before the mice goes running further or the fox catches it there (lets say 86 % probability here) -- another could be in winter, if the mice escapes to a hole, foxes sometime try jump in it to get it, before the mice gets trough the snow) ...
still, for separate movement animations, there is a wait needed (no need to wait making such in max/blender - well just see, how Cameny makes them run and in what format).