Hello ! I'm completely new, but also infinitely interested in what promises to be a fun experience !
So I have three questions (forgive me if these have already been asked, I just don't have the courage to look through 29 pages of threads) :
1) I can't move right ! I'm using an AZERTY keyboard (again, forgive me), and I don't know how to change the UFO mode controls. I've checked in the player controls, the flight controls... nothing ! Only things under UFO in controls are "roll" and "change speed".
2) I somehow managed to spawn a vehicle during my meanderings on the keyboard, to figure out how to move, and I inexplicably spawned a truck. Well, more like twenty trucks, actually, since I hit that button twenty times. My point is : where are the controls to spawn vehicles indicated ? I pressed 2, I think.
3) This one is more bothersome. How do you go from UFO/flight mode to first-person view, as in, walking instead of flying ?
I appreciate any and all help you can give me.