- The vehicles have a lot of s&!t going on... glitches, bugs, errors, lag, frame drop, ... etc. .. you name it!
Please elaborate what you are referring to here.
*Well there are multiple ones... I will categorize them as "general" ( for all type of vehicles ), "jet plane", "cesna", "truck".
*I will keep adding observation in this first post.( just check the date after each paragraph to know when it was posted )
- general:
^ When moving/driving with the truck, flying the cesna or the jet there is some kind of interference for a period of 0.2 < - > 0.8 seconds ( max. 1 sec ).And you get stuck or your vehicle changes direction, and the camera starts wobbling and spinning for that duration of time and as well there are tears in the ground or something similar but white squares appear moving (because of the wobbling and spinning of the camera) and a squeaky sound it is made from distorting the sound of the audio file of the specific vehicle (a sound made of the audio file like it would be with 1000x speed). ( posted 13 August 2013 )
- jet plane:
^ ( post coming soon... )
- cesna:
^ This one happens a lot! You can achieve it by hitting the plane in to the ground (usually when landing or hitting the ground without the plane bouncing of it).Or you can get the same effect just by driving the plane on the ground and not taking off.Some detail about the screenshot are that the plane was moving normally like nothing had happened and I just needed to bump it or something or flip it to reset to its scripted position.( the screenshot is made from 2 different angles so you can see that it was not just a snapshot while I was crash landing it, I was just moving/driving it around ) ( posted 13 August 2013 )
^ And a different angle.So basically the plane was in the same position for some time.I actually drove it around for a few minutes till I managed to bump the box around on its original horizontal state without interfering with the stats window and resetting it just by trying to bump the plane again in to rocky terrain.When I was driving it on the asphalt nothing happened, it was like a statue moving.
- truck:
^ ( post coming soon... )