I remember early Outerra very well. The all green (mostly) earth was park-like and almost soothingly idyllic. The shades of the terrain worked well together, but things have changed. Since the biomes update, the green of the grass now seems garishly unrealistic; a day-glow glare that makes it hard to believe in the realism of Outerras world. (at least for me.)
I find myself avoiding forested areas now because of the dark green, almost black in some light trees, contrasting so wildly with the bright, bright green of the grass that I keep thinking of an earth splattered with pistachio ice cream, slowly growing fungus!
Is it just me? Too sensitive?
Or will there be changes, and an artist (Kevin R?) brought in with a less jarring palette?
Inquiring minds are desperate to know.
Its really beginning to cut into my flying pleasure!