Well I did this flight model for flightgear and I can assure you there aren't many people there that'd love it..
I also think you're missing the fundamental reason why it's fun on rise of flight.... you're in combat and you have a plane that outclimbes your oponents allowing you to get out of trouble, because he who has the height wins the fight.. Now under those circumstances you can forgive any amount of work.
If you're going for a jolly however and just look at the scenary.... this flight model aint for you.
So it's very much horses for courses and Outerra as yet doesn't have the combat element sufficient that an authentic flight model becomes valid... it'd get a cursory glance, 99% of people wouldn't even get it off the ground at the first attempt... I know I didn't.
So if we want people to fly this plane in a non-combat environment, put the cesna flight model on it... by all means give people the option of using an authentic version.
This is just my experience, that when it comes right down to it, with this level of flight sim that Outerra has at present pushing an authentic flight model does more damage that good.
Give Outerra balastics, probability damage modelling and online play and it's a different tune I'd be singing.